Holidaying Productively

Hi Reader

It’s that time of year when the thoughts turn to summer breaks. Here are a few thoughts about how to ensure you work and relax as usefully as possible!

1. Clarify before you go! Leave 2 days free in your calendar immediately before you go away. Get clean and clear: Get your email inbox down to zero, delegate what you can, work out what won’t die if it’s left for a couple of weeks. This wrap-up time will allow you to make a great list of priorities for when you return, giving you peace of mind that the world won’t end just because you didn’t turn up at the office for a couple of weeks (bad news for the egotists amongst you, but it really won’t!)

2. Checklist it! Keep a note of what needs doing before you go away (the cat needs someone to feed it, someone needs to push your post through the door, someone needs to deputise on that meeting, your team needs to keep on top of that project). With a lot of these things, it’s the thinking and remembering that takes the mental energy and causes the stress. So keeping this as a checklist means it’ll be so much easier next time you go away. Keep the checklist stored on your calendar a month or so before you next plan to go away and you won’t lose it.

3. Capture and Collect whilst you’re away. If you’re one of those people who spends half the time on holiday still with their mind racing at 100 miles per hour (I’m guilty of this – it takes me several days to truly change gear!), then don’t just let it happen. Take a small pad and pen, and capture all those great ideas that you’ll start to have once you relax. And if you capture the thoughts that might be nagging you AND you trust that you’ll do something with what you’ve captured once you get back, you’ll get that stuff off your mind and enjoy your break.

4. The only mentions of ‘check-in’ or ‘desks’ should be at the airport. Don’t try to check in on progress with colleagues whilst you’re there. If you’ve truly allowed yourself 2 days of good, uninterrupted thinking time before you leave, you should have everything delegated. Remember, productivity and connectivity are not the same thing. Resist your addiction to being connected. And in the same vein, turn off email and internet on your phone – it will help you enjoy the view, and you’ll be better rested on your return.

5. Clarity when you arrive back. When you arrive back, full of new ideas, refreshed but with a mountain of emails to process, the 2-week-old list, plus new stuff flying at you, the worst place to spend those first seven hours is in meetings. Block out the first few hours on your return to get back in control: process the emails, get back up to date, catch up on what else has been happening and plan ahead. If the day of meetings is completely unavoidable, then for your own sanity, do this in your own time on the Sunday evening – not something we advocate for everyone, of course, but hey, some people have those kind of jobs..!

Have a good week (or holiday)


Rev Up for the Week with Graham Allcott

Join thousands of people starting their week on a positive note. Every Sunday afternoon, I send out an upbeat idea to set you up for the week ahead.

Read more from Rev Up for the Week with Graham Allcott

Hi Reader, So I’ve been doing a few interviews over the last week: a few podcasts and even a national newspaper (get me!) to promote the book. Lots of the interviewers have focussed on my distinction between being nice and being kind. Some people think of them as one and the same, whereas I actually think they’re often closer to being opposites. I think this is an important distinction, because people fear being ‘too nice’ and worry that weakness means stuff doesn’t get done. I talked to a...

Hi Reader Welcome to Rev Up for the Week - my weekly Sunday 4.05pm dose of positivity for the week ahead. If you're new here, perhaps because of Talking Kindness, then welcome. I'm here every Sunday and my goal is that you'll find these emails useful, that they set you up for the week, and that maybe sometimes you'll even reply and tell me what you think. As you've probably seen this week, we've been busy running the Talking Kindness podcast summit, hosting conversations about kindness with...

Hi Reader, Welcome to this week's Rev Up for the Week. If you're new here, perhaps because one of your colleagues recommended it (see below!), or because you're buzzing for Talking Kindness tomorrow, then a very warm welcome to you. The plan is simple. Every Sunday at 4.05pm I'll send you a positive or productive idea for the week ahead. I've been sending these emails every Sunday for the last four years. It's always me writing it (never AI or someone else), and I always write it during the...