
Rev Up for the Week

Battery Saver Mode

Published 7 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader,

Life gets exhausting sometimes. I've talked to a lot of people over the last two weeks in different organisations all saying versions of the same thing - that they're just a bit burnt out, in need of a break, not quite firing on all cylinders. I've felt it too over the last few weeks.

I've taken a deliberate decision recently to rest as much as I can, and I'm being very mindful about my energy levels. I'm meeting the commitments I've made, but not making any more alongside them. I'm maintaining a lot of space in my diary. Holding onto new ideas rather than racing into them, and unfortunately along the way I'm having to say no to lots of interesting or useful things I could be spending time on.

I've developed a little short-hand to talk to people about this - "battery saver mode". Battery saver mode is the idea that if it isnt a core commitment, I'm committing myself to saying no to it. I'm waiting til I get myself charged up again, and not putting a timeframe on when that'll be.

I've been surprised by how easily people take "battery saver mode" as a totally understandable reason for me to say no to things. Perhaps they've been frazzled recently too, or are so now, and they're gonna start using the phrase themselves from now on.

But when we need to be in 'battery saver mode', or 'offline', or in 'hibernation', it's better to be honest that that's where we're at, rather than saying yes to things that we don't have the headspace or energy to make happen.

So if that's how you're feeling this week, I encourage you to own it. And if it's not, I encourage you to look for those around you who might need charging up, or the permission to be low on charge for a while.

Have a great week,


Rev Up for the Week

Productivity and Kindness at work

Hi there. I'm Graham Allcott. Every Sunday, I send out an upbeat idea for the week ahead, directly to your inbox.

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